PyTorch version of LEAF#

FedLab migrates the TensorFlow version of LEAF dataset to the PyTorch framework, and provides the implementation of dataloader for the corresponding dataset. The unified interface is in ``fedlab_benchmarks/leaf/``

This markdown file introduces the process of using LEAF dataset in FedLab.

Description of Leaf datasets#

The LEAF benchmark contains the federation settings of Celeba, femnist, Reddit, sent140, shakespeare and synthetic datasets. With reference to , the introduction the total number of users and the corresponding task categories of leaf datasets are given below.


  • Overview: Image Dataset.

  • Details: 62 different classes (10 digits, 26 lowercase, 26 uppercase), images are 28 by 28 pixels (with option to make them all 128 by 128 pixels), 3500 users.

  • Task: Image Classification.

  1. Sentiment140

  • Overview: Text Dataset of Tweets.

  • Details 660120 users.

  • Task: Sentiment Analysis.

  1. Shakespeare

  • Overview: Text Dataset of Shakespeare Dialogues.

  • Details: 1129 users (reduced to 660 with our choice of sequence length. See bug.)

  • Task: Next-Character Prediction.

  1. Celeba

  • Overview: Image Dataset based on the Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes Dataset.

  • Details: 9343 users (we exclude celebrities with less than 5 images).

  • Task: Image Classification (Smiling vs. Not smiling).

  1. Synthetic Dataset

  • Overview: We propose a process to generate synthetic, challenging federated datasets. The high-level goal is to create devices whose true models are device-dependant. To see a description of the whole generative process, please refer to the paper.

  • Details: The user can customize the number of devices, the number of classes and the number of dimensions, among others.

  • Task: Classification.

  1. Reddit

  • Overview: We preprocess the Reddit data released by corresponding to December 2017.

  • Details: 1,660,820 users with a total of 56,587,343 comments.

  • Task: Next-word Prediction.

Download and preprocess data#

For the six types of leaf datasets, refer to leaf/data and provide data download and preprocessing scripts in fedlab _ benchmarks/datasets/data. In order to facilitate developers to use leaf, fedlab integrates the download and processing scripts of leaf six types of data sets into fedlab_benchmarks/datasets/data, which stores the download scripts of various data sets.

Common structure of leaf dataset folders:


   ├── {other_useful_preprocess_util}
  • downloads and preprocesses the dataset

  • performs information statistics on all data (stored in ./data/all_data/all_data.json) processed by

  • gives a detailed description of the process of downloading and preprocessing the dataset, including parameter descriptions and precautions.

    Developers can directly run the executable script ```` to obtain the dataset, process and store the corresponding dataset data in the form of a pickle file. This script provides an example of using the script, and developers can modify the parameters according to application requirements. Script usage example:

cd fedlab_benchmarks/datasets/data/femnist
bash -s niid --sf 0.05 -k 0 -t sample

cd fedlab_benchmarks/datasets/data/shakespeare
bash -s niid --sf 0.2 -k 0 -t sample -tf 0.8

cd fedlab_benchmarks/datasets/data/sent140
bash ./ -s niid --sf 0.05 -k 3 -t sample

cd fedlab_benchmarks/datasets/data/celeba
bash ./ -s niid --sf 0.05 -k 5 -t sample

cd fedlab_benchmarks/datasets/data/synthetic
bash ./ -s niid --sf 1.0 -k 5 -t sample --tf 0.6

# for reddit, see its to download preprocessed dataset manually

By setting parameters for, the original data can be sampled and spilted. The in each dataset folder provides the example and explanation of script parameters, the common parameters are:

  1. -s := ‘iid’ to sample in an i.i.d. manner, or ‘niid’ to sample in a non-i.i.d. manner; more information on i.i.d. versus non-i.i.d. is included in the ‘Notes’ section.

  2. --sf := fraction of data to sample, written as a decimal; default is 0.1.

  3. -k := minimum number of samples per user

  4. -t := ‘user’ to partition users into train-test groups, or ‘sample’ to partition each user’s samples into train-test groups

  5. --tf := fraction of data in training set, written as a decimal; default is 0.9, representing train set: test set = 9:1.

At present, FedLab’s Leaf experiment need provided training data and test data, so we needs to provide related data training set-test set splitting parameter for to carry out the experiment, default is 0.9.

If you need to obtain or split data again, make sure to delete data folder in the dataset directory before re-running to download and preprocess data.

Pickle file stores Dataset.#

In order to speed up developers’ reading data, fedlab provides a method of processing raw data into Dataset and storing it as a pickle file. The Dataset of the corresponding data of each client can be obtained by reading the pickle file after data processing.

set the parameters and run The usage example is as follows:

cd fedlab_benchmarks/leaf/process_data
python --data_root "../../datasets" --save_root "./pickle_dataset" --dataset_name "shakespeare"

Parameter Description:

  1. data_root : the root path for storing leaf data sets, which contains all leaf data sets; If you use the Fedlab_benchmarks/datasets/ provided by fedlab to download leaf data, ‘data_root’ can be set to this path, a relative address of which is shown in this example.

  2. save_root: directory to store the pickle file address of the processed Dataset; Each dataset Dataset will be saved in {save_root}/{dataset_name}/{train,test}; the example is to create a pickle_dataset folder under the current path to store all pickle dataset files.

  3. dataset_name: Specify the name of the leaf data set to be processed. There are six options {femnist, shakespeare, celeba, sent140, synthetic, reddit}.

Dataloader loading data set#

Leaf datasets are loaded by (located under fedlab_benchmarks/leaf/ All returned data types are pytorch Dataloader.

By calling this interface and specifying the name of the data set, the corresponding Dataloader can be obtained.

Example of use:

from leaf.dataloader import get_LEAF_dataloader
def get_femnist_shakespeare_dataset(args):
    if args.dataset == 'femnist' or args.dataset == 'shakespeare':
        trainloader, testloader = get_LEAF_dataloader(dataset=args.dataset,
        raise ValueError("Invalid dataset:", args.dataset)

    return trainloader, testloader

Run experiment#

The current experiment of LEAF data set is the single-machine multi-process scenario under FedAvg’s Cross machine implement, and the tests of femnist and Shakespeare data sets have been completed.

Run `fedlab_benchmarks/fedavg/cross_machine/` to quickly execute the simulation experiment of fedavg under leaf data set.