Communication Strategy#

Communication strategy is implemented by (ClientManager,ServerManager) pair collaboratively.

The prototype of NetworkManager is defined in fedlab.core.network_manager, which is also a subclass of torch.multiprocessing.process.

Typically, standard implementations is shown in fedlab.core.client.manager and fedlab.core.server.manager. NetworkManager manages network operation and control flow procedure.

Base class definition shows below:

class NetworkManager(Process):
    """Abstract class

        newtork (DistNetwork): object to manage torch.distributed network communication.

    def __init__(self, network):
        super(NetworkManager, self).__init__()
        self._network = network

    def run(self):
        Main Process:
            1. Initialization stage.

            2. FL communication stage.

            3. Shutdown stage, then close network connection.

    def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize network connection and necessary setups.

            At first, ``self._network.init_network_connection()`` is required to be called.
            Overwrite this method to implement system setup message communication procedure.

    def main_loop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Define the actions of communication stage."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Shut down stage"""

FedLab provides 2 standard communication pattern implementations: synchronous and asynchronous. And we encourage users create new FL communication pattern for their own algorithms.

You can customize process flow by: 1. create a new class inherited from corresponding class in our standard implementations; 2. overwrite the functions in target stage. To sum up, communication strategy can be customized by overwriting as the note below mentioned.


  1. setup() defines the network initialization stage. Can be used for FL algorithm initialization.

  2. main_loop() is the main process of client and server. User need to define the communication strategy for both client and server manager.

  3. shutdown() defines the shutdown stage.

Importantly, ServerManager and ClientManager should be defined and used as a pair. The control flow and information agreements should be compatible. FedLab provides standard implementation for typical synchronous and asynchronous, as depicted below.

Synchronous mode#

Synchronous communication involves SynchronousServerManager and PassiveClientManager. Communication procedure is shown as follows.


Asynchronous mode#

Asynchronous is given by ServerAsynchronousManager and ClientActiveManager. Communication procedure is shown as follows.



Initialization stage#

Initialization stage is represented by manager.setup() function.

User can customize initialization procedure as follows(use ClientManager as example):

from fedlab.core.client.manager import PassiveClientManager

class CustomizeClientManager(PassiveClientManager):

    def __init__(self, trainer, network):
        super().__init__(trainer, network)

    def setup(self):
        *                           *
        *      Write Code Here      *
        *                           *

Communication stage#

After Initialization Stage, user can define main_loop() to define main process for server and client. To standardize FedLab’s implementation, here we give the main_loop() of PassiveClientManager: and SynchronousServerManager for example.

Client part:

def main_loop(self):
    """Actions to perform when receiving new message, including local training

    Main procedure of each client:
        1. client waits for data from server (PASSIVELY)
        2. after receiving data, client trains local model.
        3. client synchronizes with server actively.
    while True:
        sender_rank, message_code, payload = self._network.recv(src=0)
        if message_code == MessageCode.Exit:
        elif message_code == MessageCode.ParameterUpdate:
            raise ValueError("Invalid MessageCode {}.".format(message_code))

Server Part:

def main_loop(self):
    """Actions to perform in server when receiving a package from one client.

    Server transmits received package to backend computation handler for aggregation or others

        1 activate clients.

        2 listen for message from clients -> transmit received parameters to server backend.

        Communication agreements related: user can overwrite this function to customize
        communication agreements. This method is key component connecting behaviors of
        :class:`ParameterServerBackendHandler` and :class:`NetworkManager`.

        Exception: Unexpected :class:`MessageCode`.
    while self._handler.stop_condition() is not True:
        activate = threading.Thread(target=self.activate_clients)
        while True:
            sender_rank, message_code, payload = self._network.recv()
            if message_code == MessageCode.ParameterUpdate:
                if self._handler.iterate_global_model(sender_rank, payload=paylaod):
                raise Exception(
                    raise ValueError("Invalid MessageCode {}.".format(message_code))

Shutdown stage#

shutdown() will be called when main_loop() finished. You can define the actions for client and server seperately.

Typically in our implementation, shutdown stage is started by server. It will send a message with MessageCode.Exit to inform client to stop its main loop.

Codes below is the actions of SynchronousServerManager in shutdown stage.

def shutdown(self):

def shutdown_clients(self):
    """Shut down all clients.

    Send package to every client with :attr:`MessageCode.Exit` to client.
    for rank in range(1, self._network.world_size):
        print("stopping clients rank:", rank)
        self._network.send(message_code=MessageCode.Exit, dst=rank)