Deploy FedLab Process in a Docker Container#

Why docker?#

The communication APIs of FedLab is built on torch.distributed. In cross-process scene, when multiple FedLab processes are deployed on the same machine, GPU memory buckets will be created automatically however which are not used in our framework. We can start the FedLab processes in different docker containers to avoid triggering GPU memory buckets (to save GPU memory).

Setup docker environment#

In this section, we introduce how to setup a docker image for FedLab program. Here we provide the Dockerfile for building a FedLab image. Our FedLab environment is based on PytTorch. Therefore, we just need install FedLab on the provided PytTorch image.


# This is an example of fedlab installation via Dockerfile

# replace the value of TORCH_CONTAINER with pytorch image that satisfies your cuda version
# you can find it in
ARG TORCH_CONTAINER=1.5-cuda10.1-cudnn7-runtime

FROM pytorch/pytorch:${TORCH_CONTAINER}

RUN pip install --upgrade pip \
    & pip uninstall -y torch torchvision  \
    & conda config --add channels \
    & conda config --set show_channel_urls yes \
    & mkdir /root/tmp/

# replace with the correct install command, which you can find in
RUN conda install -y pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

# pip install fedlab
RUN TMPDIR=/root/tmp/ pip install -i fedlab

Dockerfile for different platforms#

The steps of modifying Dockerfile for different platforms:

  • Step 1: Find an appropriate base pytorch image for your platform from dockerhub Then, replace the value of TORCH_CONTAINER in demo dockerfile.

  • Step 2: To install specific PyTorch version, you need to choose a correct install command, which can be find in Then, modify the 16-th command in demo dockerfile.

  • Step 3: Build the images for your own platform by running the command below in the dir of Dockerfile.

    $ docker build -t image_name .


Using “–gpus all” and “–network=host” when start a docker container:

$ docker run -itd --gpus all --network=host b23a9c46cd04(image name) /bin/bash

If you are not in China area, it is ok to remove line 11,12 and “-i” in line 19.

  • Finally: Run your FedLab process in the different started containers.